Good Little Deeds

Posted by Praveen राठी in , , , , , ,

Today I took a different bus to office than I usually catch (via a shorter route that I never knew). Actually, this is something that has occupied my mind since this morning. Let me start with a small analysis.

Everything has its pros and cons. I am talking about the distance of the commute between house and office. Those who stay near to office (around 8-12 kms) definitely save their time spending less time in the company bus as compared to those who live farther. But they have another set of problems to face:

  1. Not all buses stop for them. Reason: The buses are packed by the time they reach their place.
  2. If any of the buses stop to pick them, they don't get a seat to park themselves.

I don't know the policies of other companies, but in Infosys, Wipro ... buses (especially here in Pune), this is a common scene. Usually female employees opt to stay nearer to the office. So, they are the ones who face the above mentioned problems. They keep waving hands at the buses and the buses flagging their "NO VACANT SEATS" board, pass by. Eventually, they do spend ample time waiting on the road to get into a bus.

Anyways, this is not something I am going to discuss here.

See, we can't help in case of problem one. We can only ask the transport department of our organizations to increase the number of buses - which I tried, but they have an explanation: they have tried (and even succeeded) to cover each and every route of the city, they have counted the number of employees (having bus passes) at each location and manage the timings and routes accordingly, which, on their part sounds quite logical. Actually they have around 12 extra buses running in the city at any given point of time than the exact number of buses required to carry the employees from different parts of the city. I don't have any complaints after that. So, problem one is inevitable.

But in case we face problem two. I am sitting in the bus running to office. Girl employees rush into the bus at one of the stops. Some of them manage to grab a seat but one or two of the lot don't get a seat. I feel I should get up and give the seat to her and I did exactly that. I got up and gave my seat to her. She is happy and I am also happy - anyways its just 15-20 minutes distance. I can manage standing :) Now, at a stop further, some more girls get into the bus. I feel helpless at this point of time. I had only one seat and that's gone. I can't ask others to get up and donate their seats. I know one thing, I have observed this: There are people who want to help but don't have the courage to help. They don't feel like saying,"Excuse me, can you please sit here?" Sometimes they do act, but act late. So, there are good people but they don't let their benignity come out. Something similar happened in the bus today. A girl was standing near to a guy who was sitting with his earphones on (must be listening to radio on his phone). I was looking, standing. After around 10 minutes, he finally did it. He put off his ear plugs and kindly asked her to settle while getting up from his seat. The situation was a bit funny as well as outlandish because he didn't do it instantly. It took him 10 minutes to show that gesture. But I was even happier when I saw another guy sitting besides our hero also got up along with him vacating seat for another lady. I don't know if it was mutual or a follow up.

I didn't know any one in the bus when I got inside. But now I very well know these two boys who showed a little courage for a good cause. Good deed actually. And I am sure they enjoyed what they did and next time they will act real fast :)

Such little nice deeds are a great source of happiness. Believe me, it gives a very nice and pleasant feeling. A feeling of satisfaction, pride.

  1. Always get up when you see an old person (respect silver hair) or a physically challenged person standing (Be a gentleman, please!)
  2. If not the above, the least you can do is offer a help in holding their bags while you are sitting.

Do try it out! A responsible and wise citizen will get down from the bus when you get down. Remember the Lead India song: "तुम चलो तो हिंदुस्तान चले..."

This entry was posted on Tuesday, May 27, 2008 at Tuesday, May 27, 2008 and is filed under , , , , , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


Nice explanation , i saw your blog when i search for profiles who like the movie "Jab we met"...

Nice Blog...

May 29, 2008 at 5:38 PM

Thanks Lakshmi!

This movie had a vivacity that held my interest all through.

May 30, 2008 at 9:45 AM
This comment has been removed by the author.
June 8, 2008 at 2:26 PM

Hmm.. nice and i feel the same way you do..

The same thing happens here in Bangalore as u know and it was happening too when i was in college.

Lemme share one incidence..:)

Same situation, i was going to my engineering college on Monday morning in Roadways Bus. The bus was fully packed carrying more than 80 in 58 capacity bus. There were some romeos too from diploma college who were standing. And it never stuck my head to offer them a seat.. Come on! Why shud I !!

Then a gal entered the bus from rear door and stood beside me, i felt uncomfortable when i saw those guys staring at her.. and i just felt to stand and offer her my place.. but then my other side stopped me (which is as active)..i had a 2nd thot that what if the gal said no! In this 5-10 sec of my fight with this 2nd thot of mine, another guy stood up and offered her his seat.. and to my surprise, the my 2nd thot won!
She said NO!
From her face i can judge she was lil narrow minded who judged this guy wrong and thought he is trying advancing like..u know what! Tho The guy was shareef kindof!

What happened next of the 'romeo' grab his seat and this shreefzada stood silent digesting what happened to him..he was feeling embarrassed and ragged simultaneously .. he mite have seen romeo's bicep that make him noto utter a work asking his seat back..He stood mumm for next 60 KM.

Anyways.. I learnt a lesson there.. that Be Gentleman to Gentle People Only.. lol
Before offering a seat to lady, ask her, "u wanna sit here..:D"

The learning from this text is different for differnt people...

I was happy that my 2nd thot was more calculative! Still I feel that one should be decent in all aspects and I still think the way Praveen Rathee (You are) is feeling..

One should learn to Give!

June 8, 2008 at 2:35 PM

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