Abhishek - boy, you spoiled me...
Looking at the new look of Abhishek's blog (which is cool enough), I too thought of giving it a try. Though I had this idea at the back of my head for quite sometime, but thinking it's a high time now, I jumped into it.
I am struggling to find a decent theme for this blog. And I got to know one thing about myself in the past few hours - I am too choosy :D
I have scrolled through hundreds of themes by now and none of them caught my eye. I saw their live demos and in each and every theme, I found some limitations. So, thought of listing down the characteristics of the ideal (Where will I find it?) theme I am looking for. Here they are in decreasing order of priority:
--> Wide span. I just don't want to see the background. Only the contents of the blog.
--> Not more than two columns. Multiple columns will shrink the post area.
--> Not very broad [vertical length :)] header. It should be wide enough to house the Blog name and the Subtitle placed at a beautiful position and angle with proper spacing.
--> Colors: I can't list the colors I want to see (In fact, I am not so good at it!). Any combination will work for me provided it is simple and sober. No hard colors please!
--> I don't mind if there is no footer at all. Mostly people read the recent posts (at max top 2-3 posts) only. Who cares to scroll to the bottom of the page?
Now, with all these restrictions at hand, I started searching for the themes. And, I haven't find any yet which satisfies all the above criteria.
Still, when I finally settled with a theme (though not the ideal one, but thought of giving it a try just to see how it works), I uploaded the XML and got a similar error as Abhishek's. Thought of following the same path as him, I tried to submit the error with "Blogger Support". But the BOFA (Bank of America) network didn't allow me to cross it. Categorized the page under "Personal Homepages" and access denied.
I have told my teammates at Bangalore that I have lots of work today and am very busy (in searching themes). So, no project work today! But, anyway I am not even getting success here.